commit 47d61237b3e645087898a0dd9ec8c790e44dcd6f

Now we can specify unimodal torsion restraints for our own rings for our own specified residues, instead of using the types that Coot has built-in:

                                                     [ " C1 ", " C2 ", " C3 ", " C4 ", -48.2 ],
                                                     [ " C2 ", " C3 ", " C4 ", " C5 ",  49.66],
                                                     [ " C3 ", " C4 ", " C5 ", " O5 ", -56.15],
                                                     [ " C4 ", " C5 ", " O5 ", " C1 ",  63.76],
                                                     [ " C5 ", " O5 ", " C1 ", " C2 ", -62.4],
                                                     [ " O5 ", " C1 ", " C2 ", " C3 ",  53.34]])

This makes new ring torsion restraints with an esd of 4.0°.

The idea being that you can control the pyranose ring pucking if you wish.